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Frequently Asked Questions

An email will be sent to you once an appointment has been confirmed with a link to complete an online family history questionnaire.


You may also wish to jot down any questions that you have so that we can address any specific questions during your appointment.

If genetic testing has already been performed in other family members, please contact your relatives before your appointment to obtain any genetic test reports (with their consent) which will guide our discussion.

Please follow the link below to the Code on Genetic Testing and Insurance from the Association of British Insurers:

NHS clinical genetics services are extremely busy, which means that you may encounter long waiting lists before you are able to meet with a genetic counsellor. Additionally, genetic testing on the NHS may only be available to individuals who meet certain criteria, and research has shown that many clinically-relevant genetic alterations are missed when stringent test criteria are in place. Those who have testing often experience longer wait times for test results.

Our aim of offering telephone or video consultations to individuals anywhere in the UK, means that you do not have to worry about long waiting lists or multiple hospital visits. We understand that genetic testing is also not appropriate for everyone, but by understanding the risks, benefits and limitations of testing, we put you in the driving seat to make an autonomous decision regarding genetic testing.

Genetic alterations (also known as mutations or pathogenic variants) may be identified during genetic testing. If you are found to carry a genetic alteration, this may have implications for your health and on-going management. Your genetic counsellor will review options to manage associated health risks where possible. Management options may include additional screening, making lifestyle adjustments, taking certain medications and in some cases, considering risk-reducing surgery. We will discuss options to access such care privately or on the NHS.

Following your results appointment, a detailed summary letter will be provided to you and your referring doctor, GP or other healthcare provider. It is important to note that a genetic test result may mean that you will require on-going care and your GP or other healthcare provider may need to refer you to your local NHS services.

We know that genetic results often, but not always, have implications for other family members.  If applicable, we would encourage you to share your genetic test results with relatives who can then seek personalised advice regarding their own risks. More information regarding the implications of genetic testing for other family members will be discussed during your appointment. We will not share any of your information with family members (or other third parties) without your consent. 

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